Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Cafeteria Fascism

So at about 1:30 today I rolled out of my desk to grab a bite to eat while I had some downtime - I don't really have much to do until a little before four. After cruising down and withdrawing money for the cafeteria, I nearly ran into the door when trying to enter? Why? They close at 1:15 and don't open again until 4:30. I tried to soothe the savage beast with something from the vending machine, but it just wasn't the same, and left me beaten and broken by the authoritarian food services department.

I've been putting a lot of thought into it since last night when it was discussed. If there is one truth in this world, it's that Charmander was the best Pokemon to choose off the bat. Certainly, it was a rough call for the first two gyms; fire was quite ineffective against the first rock/ground boss, and was certainly outmatched by the second, water-based boss. The champion of these two battles was definitively Bulbasaur. But he sucks.

I really need to stop mentioning my senior project to people. Whenever I explain it to someone they just look at me in an extremely strange way. Then I say it was sort of like 'art'. The look becomes less extremely strange and just confused. It makes me sad, since I actually kind of gained an affection for those horrible little things.


Leigh said...
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Leigh said...
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Benson Enson said...

You have yet to prove the "truth" that Charmander is the best. :P

Keith said...

Slash. Charizard gets Slash. I win.

Unknown said...

Yeah but Squirtle has sick innuendo.