Work seems to be speeding up now, or at least does retroactively, though it always works that way. You look back and realize it's been exactly a month since you started, and it never feels like it's been quite that long. Looking back to Monday it's tough to believe that it was a twelve hour day.
In other boring news, I neglected to shave today. Pretty rugged, right? I was going to do some boring countdown like 'what are the best state quarters' and when googling for images I found that Rifftrax already did it. NELSON!!! Because of this, I have to go to an alternate.
The Top Five Characters on the Hit TGIF Show Step by Step
5) Unnamed nerd child. Okay, his name was Mark (I had to look this up), but he was the token 'geek' character on the show that was into computers and that sort of thing. As a kid who liked computers (read: played horrible DOS children's games and scribbled some MSPaint drawings) it would seem that I should sympathize with this fellow, but everything about him was unlikeable. In keeping with his role on the show, he would frequently be working on science fair projects that were ridiculously complex for a kid and commonly would have to overcome adversity to prove himself.
4) Dana, the annoying perfectionist. She was always feuding with her idiot shadow, JT. She was pretty whiny a lot of the time but tended to have good comebacks to insults. Additionally, I hated JT enough that I felt empathetic toward the hate she had for his character.
3) Al. The tomboy of the family, she went through struggles to make friends in school because of this. She was essentially the most believeable and relatable character, and seemed to realize that stupid plans made by the other characters were never going to work. She had a hard time holding jobs.
2) Frank. Patrick Duffy played him. That's all.
1) Cody. He was the cool guy of the series who spouted catchphrases and did all the obligatory "wacky" things. Noteable for saying "dude" and "dudesey" a lot in the mid-nineties before everyone started saying it. As I recall, he lived in a van in the driveway for quite some time, and was not only scatterbrained and air-headed, but basically the best person ever. He helped Mark beat a pompous bully in karate, foiled a rape of Dana, talked one of his friends out of suicide, and protected a poor family living in a house he's supposed to demolish. Oh, he also carved a pumpkin with dynamite.

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