Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hold the Lettuce

Apparently, my niece has acquired a kitten of her very own! I was told a few days back that my sister followed through in her plan to get a pet for her new home. She had told Sylvia a couple weeks ago that they were going to get a kitten, and asked her what exactly they should name it. Sylvia was absolutely insistent and certain on one name:


She wouldn't budge over the two weeks that followed, answering every query on the new cat's name with the same moniker - Lettuce. And, so, on Friday, Lettuce arrived!

Remarkably, he looks almost identical to Emmy, one of the two household cats in my parents' home, when she was first brought to our house.

Separated at birth and by some miracle of cryogenics still a kitten? We may never know. Also, I post this whenever possible, since it's so incredibly cute:

Emmy's on the left, and Sophie's on the right. This may have been one of the first times they saw snow!

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