Friday, November 28, 2008


TV - $1100
TV Protection Plan - $170
TV Stand - $150
Delivery - $100
Tax - $100

For a grand total of $1620.

Yeah. I drained my bank account, but it'll hopefully be a good purchase. I got a pretty good deal on a TV that I'll have for years, so it's nice to treat myself. It doesn't come until Saturday, though, so I have to bate my breath a little longer. In the meantime, I'll build the stand , call Comcast to enable HDTV feeds, and maybe even drop more cash on a PS3. I need my Blu-Ray!

UPDATE: 8:47am
I dragged the extremely heavy TV stand up the stairs. Ugh. I put it all together and it actually looks really great:

Sorry for the blurry crap. It's three tiered with nice glass platforms for everything. Can't wait until I put the crown on top.

Better picture from Best Buy, TV and all:

1 comment:

Leigh said...
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