Tuesday, December 28, 2010

That Beautiful View

So, I've been home for a few days now, and the holidays were fun, though I'm pretty glad they're done and over with (mostly, still New Years to go). The average temperature since I arrived is probably around 10 degrees, and there's about as much snow sitting around as I've ever seen sitting around this place. That said, for one of the first times I realize how pretty the Minnesota winter actually is. Exhibit below.

Despite the cold and despite the hassle that the snow represents, I'm really glad I came from this place. For one, it gives me the ability to laugh at anyone who claims that any other place in the lower forty-eight is "cold". For two, I got to take this kind of sight for granted.

When people think of beautiful scenery and nature, they don't often think of places that get lots of snow five months of the year. They think of places like Florida or California or Hawaii that are always pristine in weather, or at least offer no-jacket weather most of the time. The beauty of a place like this where it's bitter cold much of the year is the fact that you can tell the dramatic difference between seasons. During summer, you come to appreciate how nice air conditioning is. During winter, you thank the inventor of central heating.

I do miss living here, but I'm not quite sure if it's more or less than I had anticipated prior to my move. Every place has its advantages for the most part; if Minnesota is my scenic nature preserve, New Jersey is my representation of humanity, industry, and the grace of urban architecture. Well, the cities surrounding it, anyway.

A whole week to go here, and I've got plenty to do. Not a dull moment!